Organisational structure
CFCD was established in June 2007 as a Department within the Ministry of Finance and a body that will act as a Contracting Authority and will be responsible for decentralised implementation of projects financed under the IPA Components I-IV.
CFCD organisational structure includes the following four separate Units, which perform different functions in the IPA implementing process, to the end of enabling the principles of segregation of duties and avoiding conflict of interest:
EU Procurement and Contracting Unit bears the responsibility for conformity of all procurement and contracting procedures with PRAG administrative, procedural and legal requirements set by EC:
- preparing and administrative checks of tender documentations;
- organising evaluation procedures;
- preparing the shortlist panels/evaluation reports;
- preparing the contracts to be signed with the potential contractors/grant beneficiaries;
- preparing the contract addenda, and dealing with appeals (if any).
Quality Control Unit incorporates in itself several different functions, such as:
- quality control function;
- preparation of lessons learned analysis;
analyzing most frequent mistakes in the tender documentation;
Project Monitoring Unit monitors the project implementation against the signed contracts by:
- monitoring the progress of contracts implementation;
- ensuring that all contracts are implemented in line with the contract provisions;
- participating in the on-the-spot checks and on-the spot visits;
- writing monthly progress reports and annual reports on implementation;
- Acting as a Secretariat to Sectoral Monitoring Committees for IPA Components III and IV.
Finance Unit ensures sound financial management by:
- preparing financial data and financial reports and submitting them to the National Authorising Officer (NAO);
- processes payment requests to the National Fund (NF);
- executes payments upon invoices submitted by contractors/grant beneficiaries;
- checking the eligibility of the expenditure declare by the contractor/ grant beneficiaries in the invoices/ request for payments, and checking;
- submitting consolidate data to NAO/NF regarding the co-financing funds for the IPA funded project during the Budget preparation process;
- providing administrative support to CFCD;
- accounting function.
General Affairs incorporates in itself several different functions, such as:
- human resources management;
- management of irregularities;
- risk management;
- support to HOS in performing supervisory role over the Operating Structure as a whole.