Strengthening the Capacity of the Ministry of Finance for Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy Formulation

This Project is aimed at supporting the Ministry of Finance in improving the economic analyses and the projecting skills, as well as creating medium-term and long-term macro-fiscal framework through further development of capacities for macroeconomic modeling and tax revenues, social costs and benefits, fiscal analyses and improvement of budget planning process. Project was launched in December 2012 and it will be implemented within 2-year period by the HAUS Finish Institute of Public Management and the National Academy of Finance and Economy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Main Project beneficiaries are the departments for macroeconomic policy, budget and funds, tax and customs policy within the Ministry of Finance. During the realization of the Project, Ministry of Finance cooperates with all other Ministries in the economic field, National Bank, State Statistical Office, Public Revenue Office and similar, to the end of exchanging data, as well as improving the analyses as regards the economic developments and finding optimal measures for formulating the economic policies in future. Project activities will be focused on the exchange of knowledge in the field of economic analysis, envisagement and formulation of economic policies so as to contribute to improved quality of information provided for the economic policy creators, being necessary for successful decision-making processes. The amount of the project is Euro 950.000.